Monday, 15 October 2018


In the holidays I went to the the Airsoft , It's a Gun Game zone. I bought a dummy short gun, which is very popular among all guns. I played with my brother, like Army war. And I won the battle. It was a good fun game. 


  1. Hi Yousif my name is Luka I am a student in Room 8 I really like how you added photos and made the words bold by using the highlighting. The only thing is that maybe you shouldnt use completely capital letters and you dont know when the start of a sentence is.
    If you would like to see my learning please go to

    From Luka

  2. hi my name is Isaiah from Owairaka District school in room 24 I really like how you added photos and made the words bold by using the highlighting. The only thing is that maybe you shouldnt use completely capital letters and you dont know when the start of a sentence is.
    If you would like to see my learning please go to

  3. Hi my name is Isaiah from Owairaka District school in room 24. I really like how you added photos and made the words bold by using the highlighting. The only thing is that maybe you shouldn't use capital letters in the wrong place. Thanks for sharing your learning. If you want to check out my blog here's my link,

    link Blog you later by Isaiah


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